Kickstarted! You did it!


Whoops slightly late with posting this here but YOU DID IT! You wonderful, wonderful folks! We hit the goal for the kickstarter, and in fact we came so close to the stretch goal that we're getting a re-run of Volume 1 as well anyway! Hurrah hurray and huzzah! Now the hard work is underway, with files being transferred left right and centre, but when the books are cooked and ready for tasting I'll be putting the link up in the bottom right shop window (the tile, I mean) so you can go and get your share! Thank you so much for supporting the project, and for continuing to read my weird, weird story.


Kickstarter Kick Off!


It'd been a while since I wrote something here hey well GUESS WHAT. Here's a big something! It's the launch of the Volume 2 Kickstarter! People have been asking for a second volume of TPoH for a long time now, and the people at Make That Thing are going to try to help me make... that thing! But I'll need your help- if you can, please contribute, and spread the word to all and sundry! Whoever Sundry is.

I'll be putting the link up in that bottom right tile asap, but you can hope right over and get in on the action right away-

Wish me luck!


Happy New Year!


Boy, how 'bout that 2016 huh?

Well it's over now and TIME TO KICK IT OFF AGAIN! Volume 1 of TPoH is back up on sale so feel free to go get your mitts on a copy, and I am fighting tooth and nail to get Volume 2 into my future- wish me luck! I'll be trying my best to knuckle down and finish TPatJ this year, and I have a stack of short illustrated and written stories clogging up my brain so I will have to get those out of me as well! As ever, thanks for all your support, and if you want to make it easier for me to do what I do have a mosey on over to my Patreon- you can get nice extra things and contribute towards my general existence! Ain't that sweet.

Best of luck to us all in 2017!


Books! On hold for Holidays


Hello again! Thanks for all the constant support- this is just a small update to wish you happy holidays, and to apologise for the books having temporarily sold out on my Etsy. I will be posting more for sale in the new year, but seeing as I'm going to be very busy for the next few weeks (and posting books for shipping any later than this would likely mean they wouldn't reach Santa in time) I am foregoing updating the shop until such a time as my tiny brain can handle the charges. I am also, still, looking into publishers and the possibility of self publishing the second volume in the same way if all else fails!

Thanks, apologies and best wishes!


The Light Tapastic


Gosh, what a busy few months this has been, but the most important update to bring to you is that in light of the repeated success of this website crashing due to too many views (thank you to Felix for giving me all the bandwidth he had to spare!), I've started to post The Property of Hate over on Tapastic as well. This means if this site goes down you can still read it there, and it even gives me a tiny amount of income due to their advert revenue, so if you would consider reading the comic there that would be super! I may well post the Square Tales there as well soon.

In other news The Princess and the Jester (under the SKIP link) will be resuming shortly, and my apologies for taking so long to get back on that, but I will finish it! Never fear! But yes, sorry, and thank you for your patience. The Purpose is finally completed so you can while away some time reading that, and there is another new Square Tale 'the Red Dog' available in that section too! I have a lot of other short stories planned, but my main aim is to get TPatJ back to a regular update schedule first. I am continuing to write Ethel, but while the first few chapters will stay available to read in the Short Stories section I am planning to simply keep writing it until it is finished and then look into possible publishing options.

The bad news is that the publisher I had an arrangement with for Volume 2 of TPoH had to back out due to company troubles, so it's back to square one with that! I am trying to find another as we speak but all and any promotion is welcome- if you think you know someone who would like the stuff I make, or even a publishing company that would be willing to take it on, don't feel shy of telling them! I'd very much appreciate it.

Until then, here is the place you can find TPoH on tapastic;

